

Below are a few pieces that I made to primarily explore certain techniques and ideas or to experiment with media and technology as I learnt how to use them. This 'play' stage is crucial to my practice because it not only helps me get familiar with the tools at my disposal, but also because sometimes it's really fun to get out of my own head and just create. Interestingly, I often find that it's in this stage where the seeds for a more comprehensive and researched project are planted. Hence, this is also where I set new creative goals and intentions. So eventually, the play evolves into work.



This video is an exploration of the technique of moving camera. The constant motion – which was achieved by attaching a Go Pro to a hula hoop – as well as the changing rhythm, pace, and tempo of the audio make and visuals make for a rollercoaster ride that I think resembles the heady, nervous excitement that is anticipation. 



DJ culture is known for experimenting with contrasting music to seamlessly weave together new sounds. VJ culture takes experimentation further by appropriating these sounds and re-contextualizing their narratives with imagery. This video explores these trends by sampling a song that integrates two musical elements from separate ends of the globe with sonically distinct features. The layering of different cultures and sounds, coupled with the colorful and abstract visuals create a new narrative. 



This is a 2-player game I coded using Processing. This game explores the idea that aside from being on opposing teams and working with their own interests in mind, players can also work towards a common goal in order to both win simultaneously—or both lose simultaneously if they fail in achieving their common goal. Click here to download the game on MAC or PC and try it out!
Home Screen.gif
Instructions Screen.gif